Last weekend was my younger brother, Rileys' wedding. It was a lot of fun. Of course whenever you get family and friends together for a celebration it usually is good times. I will post some pictures as soon I get them. Of course it was a long day for Jac and Reese, but I think that Jac had the harder time. He is always so excited to see his cousins and loves to follow them around and do what they do. At one point him and Lydia, who is 3, were twisting a two seater swing around and spinning in it. Well the momentum threw Jac from the swing and he landed with his face... on a rock. Poor little kid has a huge scab on his left cheek. When I took Reese to the doctors yesterday for her check up, Dr. Newman told him it was cool and that chicks dig scars :)
Speaking of the doctors, Reese is 13.7 pounds and 24.5 inches long. She is in the 50% for weight and 56% for height. So she is doing great! She got her second round of immunizations yesterday too. She is NOT a happy camper this morning. Jac got a flu shot yesterday too. It doesn't seem to bother him today though. Good thing too, I don't know what I would do with two sad kids today.
Jeremy is doing a fund raiser for a organization called Extra Life. It is this Saturday. It is to raise money for Primary Children's Medical Center. This is the hospital that fixed the hole in Jac's heart. I also have had some friends and family that have recently had their kids there. Jeremy has a goal of $1000. He currently has only raised $218. He is asking that people donate just $24. What he will be doing is a game-a-thon... Yep you read it right :) he will be playing video games for 24 hours straight ( I know real sacrifice huh :) But it is for a good cause and it anyone could donate, we would really appreciate it! This is the link to the donation page.
I am doing good. I am still getting up and "pushing play" every morning. I also started training for the triathlon last week. My bum is sore from the bike ride, but it is getting better :) I am excited and I am so grateful to everyone who has been encouraging and supportive. Well, I better go. Jac wants to go to play group.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Keep up the exercising good work. It pays off as you well know or you wouldn't keep pushing play. I am so sorry about Jac's face and what Adam may or may have not done to add to the problem. Just wait though, those two little boys will be best friends soon enough. Congrats to your brother and I am looking forward to seeing the pics Noelle took.
Hey lacie this is eden and i love that doctor lol!
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