Jeremy and I were married March 16, 2007. Jac Danger was born June 11, 2008. He is such a sweet boy and helps me so much. Reese Pearl was born June 8, 2010. She is definitely Sugar and Spice, maybe a little more spice :) Jeremy works as a Graphic Designer in Provo and we are trying to sell our home in Enoch to move up and be with him. I am trying this single mom thing right now and it is not easy especially being 5 months pregnant, but I love being with my kids full time :)
Today is our fourth anniversary. I am so happy I made the decision to marry Jeremy. Before him, the longest I had had a boyfriend was 2 weeks. Things just always would go wrong or feel off. Jeremy and I met for the first time in August 2002. We both were headed to South Carolina on our missions. We were in the same transfer group. I remember meeting him briefly and we have a picture of our group where we are standing next to one another, but I never saw him again in the mission field after that first day. I got home in February 2004. I moved to SLC and went to the U. In the summer of 2006 some friends and I moved to Murray and we started going to a singles ward in the area. That first Sunday my roommates and I were sitting in Sacrament meeting and one of my roomies (who was a mission comp.) pointed up to the stand and said that the ward clerk was Elder Christensen form the mission. He didn't look familiar to me and then she told me we had gone out in the same transfer group. So when we got home that day we looked at mission pics and then I remembered him. Another roomy thought he was cute so I started inviting him to hang out and we became friends. We started dating in October and things were awesome. We got engaged in December and were married March 16 2007. The rest is history :)
Happy Times
Congratulations. Your pictures are so beautiful. I hardly recognized Jeremy with his young missionary face and haircut and no beard.
Cute! I'd never heard that story before!
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