Wow, it seems like forever since I have blogged :)
Last weekend was Thanksgiving and we went up North to visit with Jeremy's family. We left Wednesday night and stayed till Sunday evening. We really had a great time and it was so fun to see everyone. We stayed with Josh and Emily and their two adorable boys, Porter and Lincoln. Jac and Porter are 6 mo apart and Lincoln and Reese are 2 mo apart. They all played really cute together and as we were driving away Jac said: " Mom, I really like Porter, he's a nice little boy."
Thursday we did a little shopping and got some great deals. We had a wonderful dinner, Emily did such a great job on the turkey. I have never cooked a turkey and to be honest it intimidates me a little bit. It was awesome though and I might try it sometime, she gave me some great pointers :)
This is a pumpkin that Reese painted. She had just as much paint on her!
Jac and Porter Reading with Aunt Brandi.
Uncle Colton fighting the boys.
The FORT, not a tent as we were corrected.
These two were hilarious to watch.
Emily and I watching gross stuff on Youtube.
Brandi and Emily's after pictures. The both tired new colors.
Dad and Reese on TRAX. yes, she is picking her nose :)
It was so cold, but you wouldn't have been able to tell watching these two. They didn't complain at all.
I have never seen this in the middle of the lake, it was beautiful.
This is a picture of my friend Polly's kids and mine. So fun to see them!
Lincoln, Porter, Jac and Reese
Friday Emily and I went out shopping and the Dads and kids made a fort. I got to do some fun facials with Brandi and Emily. We also went to 1300 south and hopped on TRAX and went to Temple Square to see all the amazing lights! I want to see a documentary/tutorial on how they do the Christmas
lights at Temple Square. Wouldn't that be an awesome thing? It is SO beautiful, if you are up that way make sure you go see that! the kids had so much fun and we got some great pictures! It was neat to tell Jac the Nativity story as we were there, and let him see all the different nativities from around the world. It was crowded, but even with all the people the spirit was so strong. Reese had a hard time leaving. She screamed (like she was dying) as we left and almost all the way back to 13th... Poor people on TRAX.
Slow Start
1 week ago