My sister asked me the other day: "So Lacie, which of your kids do you love more?" I just looked at her and told her that was an impossible question. That's like asking me "Hey, which do you like more, your heart or your lungs?" Stupid question. I know she was just kidding, but I have been thinking a lot about my kids lately. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. Jac has taught me SO much. About me, about being a mom, about patience, the power of prayer and the list could go on and on. I remember being pregnant with him and I had this fear that something would happen and I would lose him. When I was pregnant with Reese the fear changed. I knew I could have a baby because I had done it once before. With her I feared that I wouldn't be able to love her as much as I loved Jac. I remember thinking, "How can I love another person this much?" Sunday was her 11 month mark. I am amazed that such a tiny little girl can bring so much joy and laughter. I think one of my favorite things is to sit and watch her and Jac interact. He makes her laugh and she makes him laugh and sometimes they will sit for 20 minutes just making each other laugh. It's awesome. I honestly can't imagine not having the two of them. It has been hard and I have had many tear filled days, but the good happy times far out weigh them. These past 11 months have truly been the best, not because we haven't had trials or heartaches, but because I have Jeremy and Jac and Reese. They make me want to step up and be better. They give me that purpose I remember searching for when I was younger and felt lost. I don't mean for this to be a bragging blog, but I have just had this on my mind for awhile and wanted to document my feelings (because someday I am going to turn this into a scrapbook).
Slow Start
1 week ago