Easter weekend we went down to my parents house for the annual Easter egg hunt. Pop pop and Dad had to help Jac a little.
Jac was a little afraid of the Easter Bunny.
We painted eggs and Dad got a little bored and started painting Jac :)
When I was putting the little dye tablets in the cups Jac was just a little to quick and grabbed the blue tablet before I could stop him. Those thing dissolve instantly!!!
Jac was so excited to get his basket. He got a blue bat and balls, books, Silly song Cd's from Nana and "The Squeakal" from Pop pop.
This is our puppy, Maya. She is German Shepard/lab mix and has so much energy I think I am going to go crazy! :)
Jac really likes her, this is him giving her a kiss. They have a complicated relationship... it mostly involves him yelling "No no no no!" as she attempts "play" with him.
This is a cake I made. Some friends from my ward got together and and one of them taught us all how to make fondant with marshmallows. It was yummy!
I love this picture! My sister Tara and her family came up and we went sledding and bowling and this is Jeremy keeping track of Jac because he was running all over the bowling alley.
This was Jac's permanent position. We would just push him down the hill and then drag him back up. He loved it.
One of our very nice neighbors gave Jac this snow outfit and it was perfect for him this year!
Well, I will take some more pictures and try to get them up before they are a month old again :)
Pregnancy Update:
I am 32 weeks along and doing great. she is moving all the time and sometimes it make it hard to sleep, but I love to sit and watch my stomach move. I tell Jeremy she's dancing.